Device Drivers
is it?
section is dedicated to
software drivers for hardware devices. The role of these
is to have the devices working seamlessly with the Wilco Airbus Series
aircrafts, Volume 1 and Volume 2, any version (including Evolution).

devices are listed below. They include hardware from VRInsight,
FlightDeck Solutions, CockpitSonic, CPFlight and VAS, some others may
come in the future according to
agreement with these companies.
This software module
provides seamless integration of the FCU/EFIS with the Airbus Volume 1
and Volume 2, for FS2004 and FSX. |
need of any key mapping or mouse click generation. This software module
provides seamless integration with the Airbus Volume 1 and Volume 2
Airbuses with a physical MCDU device makes your flight definitely more
realistic, it is a real pleasure, especially because the MCDU is much
used when you fly an Airbus... It is just perfect for the cockpit
builders and for the
"armchair pilots", like me, who just have the device on their desk.
software module
provides full integration of this device for the Wilco
Airbus Series Volume 1 & 2 (any version, including Evolution). |
This software
provides full integration of this device for the Wilco
Airbus Series Volume 1 & 2 (any version, including Evolution).
can control all the COM/NAV frequencies, standby and active. |
device lets you control the page displayed on the SD screen, the T/O
config, alarm clear/recall, and the upper/lower ECAM
The software module
provides full integration of this device for the Wilco
Airbus Series Volume 1 & 2 (any version, including Evolution). |
CPFlight FCU Flight Control Unit (FCU) itself and the 2 EFIS
Control Panels, for the Captain and for the First Officer. The software
module, for FS2004 and for FSX, provides a full
integration of this device with the Airbus Series Volume 1 & 2
(any version, including Evolution).
module is sold by FeelThere. A free demo version is available for
testing before buying. |